If you run a business, chances are you will need to design and create materials to help you promote it. While there are online digital creation tools such as Canva and Photoshop Express, when it comes to professional design and layout, InDesign from Adobe is the industry standard.

Graphic designers, artists, publishers, and marketing professionals alike use it because of its professional quality, precision, and versatility.

Adobe InDesign gives professional results

InDesign can be used for creating books, magazines, and brochures, as well as print and digital publications. While it’s built to handle long-form multipage documents, you can also use it to layout stationery, corporate reports, business cards, digital publications, and a myriad of other creations which combineĀ  text and graphics.

Outside vendors such as printers often expect to receive print-ready PDFs exported from InDesign. This saves time and money and give you control over your master design.

5 Benefits of Using InDesign

  • Use it to design something as small as a business card or as large as a billboard, combining images and text.
  • Define document layout based on intended use for print, web, or mobile.
  • Multiple master page layouts: A master page keeps the same format, colors, and font on all applied pages the same. Especially handy when working with large magazines, catalogs, or eBooks.
  • Seamless integration with other Adobe Creative Cloud programs such as Photoshop and Illustrator.
  • Use predefined workspaces to get quick access to tools associated with book layout, digital publishing, printing and proofing, typography, and others, or create and save custom layouts.

Ask Your Designer For An InDesign File

Even if you’re of the mindset InDesign is either too expensive (a monthly subscription to Adobe Creative Cloud currently goes for $54.99) or you have no desire to learn it, consider asking your designer to give you an InDesign file for all your layout work. That way, if you need to deal with an outside vendor who requests it, you’ll have it on hand.

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If you run a business, chances are you will need to design and create materials to help you promote it. While there are online digital creation tools such as Canva and Photoshop Express, when it comes to professional design and layout, InDesign from Adobe is the industry standard.

Graphic designers, artists, publishers, and marketing professionals alike use it because of its professional quality, precision, and versatility.

Adobe InDesign gives professional results

InDesign can be used for creating books, magazines, and brochures, as well as print and digital publications. While it’s built to handle long-form multipage documents, you can also use it to layout stationery, corporate reports, business cards, digital publications, and a myriad of other creations which combineĀ  text and graphics.

Outside vendors such as printers often expect to receive print-ready PDFs exported from InDesign. This saves time and money and give you control over your master design.

5 Benefits of Using InDesign

  • Use it to design something as small as a business card or as large as a billboard, combining images and text.
  • Define document layout based on intended use for print, web, or mobile.
  • Multiple master page layouts: A master page keeps the same format, colors, and font on all applied pages the same. Especially handy when working with large magazines, catalogs, or eBooks.
  • Seamless integration with other Adobe Creative Cloud programs such as Photoshop and Illustrator.
  • Use predefined workspaces to get quick access to tools associated with book layout, digital publishing, printing and proofing, typography, and others, or create and save custom layouts.

Ask Your Designer For An InDesign File

Even if you’re of the mindset InDesign is either too expensive (a monthly subscription to Adobe Creative Cloud currently goes for $54.99) or you have no desire to learn it, consider asking your designer to give you an InDesign file for all your layout work. That way, if you need to deal with an outside vendor who requests it, you’ll have it on hand.

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